Commenting on the post we shared about Father Mbaka and the church which can be seen HERE, a vibrant analyst who pleaded to be anonymous has said his view on the situation that trickered many reactions and suspension of Rev. Fr Mbaka.

According to him, "Rev. Fr. Mbaka: l have continued to lay emphasis on the efficacy of  Wisdom. Wisdom is a special gift from God. lt is superior to titles,  qualifications etal.   God can decide to bless a Rev. Father  with Wisdom and may not decorate a Bishop with the same gift. Wisdom makes the difference. lt speaks volumes.

The reason God asked Solomon to make a demand and he opted for WISDOM.

ln our clime today, Solomon  would have been seen as a fool. A big fool. His siblings or kinsmen would have called him " efulefu" for asking for WISDOM in lieu of asking to be made the richest man on earth or in his time. Or, for the enlargement of his autonomous community or kingdom. Or, Chairman of all the kings in the 12 tribes of  lsreal. 

James 1: 5, says , " lf any of you lack Wisdom, let him ask of God , that giveth to all men liberally, and unbraideth not , and it shall be given him". 

That's the bottom line.  The hallmark.  Or, the crux of the matter. 

There wouldn't have been anything wrong, if the authorities of the  Catholic church or any other Church, had  decided  to take any disciplinary measure against any of their  priests ( pastors or Rev.  Fathers), they felt  , had erred , whether real or imaginary. Since no pastor or priest operates in a vacuum.  

Rev Fr Ejike Mbaka is still a Priest in the Catholic church and the Authorities of the Church can bring him to answer some questions over his actions and inactions, not minding  his being right or even being  wrong.  

But the Catholic Bishop of Enugu refused or failed to use his GOD- given wisdom, if he had it , looking at the prevailing circumstance(s).

The timing of the action he took against Mbaka was the problem.  His greatest undoing. 

His summoning Mbaka for any reason and intending to keep him incommunicado for a month or less or more , 36 hours after the priest had hit President Buhari and Governor Uzodinma hard and had blessed Nnamdi Kanu,  and 24 hours,  after President Buhari's  Media aide,  had descended on him ( Mbaka) , and  the controversy was on, was where the Bishop misfired.  Misfired to a very large extent.  Perhaps, he was too much in a hurry  to appease or please  some people or he was under pressure to act,  without reading correctly the mood of  "Period" 

If the Bishop had relaxed for now and then take up Mbaka after two months, the heat,  the whole saga had generated would not have been the case.

 And the Bishop must also , before doing that, articulate serious reasons to back  any action he might decide to take against Mbaka, which must not be connected with his altercations with politicians or the powers that be.

 The reasons must be associated with the rules of engagements  for Catholic priests.  When such is the situation or the case , opinions would be divided, either for or against Mbaka or the authorities of the Church. 

But for now , the Bishop has made Mbaka a Hero and also helped in destroying the allegation of his asking for contracts . Nobody is talking about the contract issue again.  The Bishop,  unknown to him,  destroyed that issue in favour of Mbaka. 

Most kings in the Bible had succeeded to a very large extent,  because they would always assemble wise men for counselling or advice on critical issues. Unlike the "kings" or great men of today. 

All in all, the Bishop on his own , delivered  victory to Mbaka and gave himself and the Church he had acted for, "self decorated"  defeat, for acting at the wrong time .

Whatever we do in life , timing is very vital . All those who came out to join the protests in Aba, Enugu etc, might not be Catholics.  You can read between the lines. They saw the whole thing as part of the  "agitations".

I thank God that the man came out and was very truthful about what transpired and  concerning  those behind the whole episode. He narrowed the saga down to the Bishop and of course, the Catholic church . 

A typical politician who does not fear God  or know God,  would have come out to tell his audience that the Bishop wanted to remove him out of circulation, on the orders of those he had criticised and for  blessing  Nnamdi Kanu . And that  would give room for denials upon denials,  from all quarters . But thanks be to God Almighty,  that the man was sincere about the incident.

At a time like this, men do not act before reasoning or talk before reasoning too. At a time like this, the  best  action would always be,  to reason before acting or before talking, since true Honour lies in one acting well his or her part. Thank you."

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